Here I am now 17 weeks pregnant with our baby blessing. I haven't wrote a blog post since our 2 week wait. It was hard to write a post announcing we were pregnant for 2 reasons.
1) the heartache I feel for anyone reading this post who is on this infertility journey. Before having Grady there was a point where I cringed at any baby announcement or seeing a pregnant girl. It hurt my heart knowing that may never be me. I never want to bring that pain to anyone else. We were already blessed with Grady so I did and still do have this sense of guilt being able to be pregnant again. So for any of you precious ladies reading this post, just know I am praying for you daily. Please leave a comment and I'd love to pray for you and your husband specifically by name and for your future baby or babies--however God may choose to bring those to you.
2) I was scared that this pregnancy may end in another miscarriage. Not that I don't still have that fear, but now being 17 weeks along, it is must less of a fear.
I plan to start posting more frequently again. I'd like to backdate about the role of nutrition during early pregnancy and the importance of preparing your body to get pregnant.
Love to all and baby blessings ❤️
