Today is day 1 of IVF. Yesterday was an emotional day thinking of going through this again, preparing mentally for the injections and waiting game, physically for the toll this whole process puts on your body, financially, and spiritually putting our faith in God--reminding ourselves that His plan is best and this is all ultimately in his hand. I found comfort in my husband reminding me that this is all in God's hands as I cried knowing there is that chance this could ultimately end in another miscarriage. Then my mind raced to already thinking about that waiting game from the day the eggs are retrieved, as those precious little embryos grow until day 6....will we have any left to transfer? The thought of losing yet another embryo makes my heart sink. But my husband reminded me of all we do have. God has blessed us beyond words, more than we ever deserve. So today I'm going to reflect on Philippians 4:6 "Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done." Worrying isn't going to help improve the outcome of this process, bring me and my husband closer, make me a better mom to Grady or to any future babies, or bring me closer to God. However thanking God for all he has given us only makes me a better wife, mom, believer and will keep me positive as we go through this journey. God is such an incredible God and has given me far more than I've ever deserved.
Love this song by Chris Tomlin-- Good Good Father
Love and baby blessings ❤️