I will be the first to admit that I like to-do lists and checking those boxes. Actually, I would consider that to be my biggest stronghold. I like to be on the go and do things and be working towards the next goal, whatever that goal may be. If you are like me the thought of this "slowing" down can feel a bit difficult and overwhelming, but maybe it can be in your favor as you continue your journey through infertility...
Because of COVID-19 we are surrounded by people who are greatly effected with businesses, schools, gyms, salons, outpatient facilities, etc closing. I work at a hospital where, like many other, elective and non-emergent surgeries are being postponed. I pray that we can keep all, especially the immuno-compromised and elderly, safe from this wicked virus. While I know there are so many people effected by the craziness of this virus, and people's lives and jobs are at risk, my mind also goes to those who fertility treatments have also been effected. While these fertility treatment delays may not seem like a big deal to many, I understand the feeling of 1 more day of living in the world of infertility seeming like an eternity. There are those who have been planning on going through IVF this next month and these non-elective surgeries for egg retrievals have yet postponed their dream of having a baby, yet again. And quite possibly, IUI treatments also being postponed. You may have had your progesterone, menopur, lupron, and all other fertility meds stashed away just waiting for this upcoming month to start and received the call that it isn't going to happen this month. Or maybe you were able to have your eggs retrieved, but may now have to wait to have any embryos transferred. OBGYN appointment to discuss your infertility issues and next steps--postponed. Laparoscopy to determine if you had endometriosis--postponed. Appointment with a urologist to determine why your husband may have abnormal sperm and next steps-postponed. Next acupuncture-postponed. While this will be a long few weeks, however long all of this may last, try to embrace this time. While I can't take the hurt, frustration, anxiety and feelings of lost hope away, know that I am praying for all of you, your spouses, and your future babies as well as the medical staff over seeing your fertility issues. Just know that the Ultimate Physician knows your needs.
There are a few things you can try to focus on as you, yet again, must wait for your dream of having a precious baby to come true. With limited socializing and getting out and about, there will be more time to try to "get in-tune" with your body and what it needs all while also improving your chances of conceiving or helping your body prepare for whatever your next fertility step is. Take this time to do one or some of the following:
1) make changes to your diet to increase your consumption of Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folate, Zinc, Vitamin D, or antioxidants--all which have a big part in conceiving a healthy baby. Do a quick google search and find out what foods are rich in these nutrients.
2) find a workout that you enjoy, other than going to a gym. I absolutely LOVE Beachbody on Demand. I am currently going between Piyo (an all time favorite) and LIIFT 4. While I know money is tight for many, this option is currently about $40 for 3 months or $99 for a full year (https://www.beachbodyondemand.com/) . IF this isn't an option, there always a good old fashion walk, run or bike ride outside. Youtube also has a TON of free workout options. Yoga with Adriene is one of my favorites (https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene). Get creative and find something you enjoy!
3) find time to be in God's word. The YouVersion Bible app (https://www.youversion.com/the-bible-app/) is my go to to start my day off on the right foot. There are several infertility and miscarriage related devotions/plans within the Bible app (Infertility Encouragement from Sarah's Laughter; Longing for Motherhood; Finding God in your Miscarriage; Grieving with Hope after Miscarriage and Loss; Praying Through Miscarriage). Take time to pray for your and your spouse, for your marriage, for your future babies, for your current medical conditions, for your finances, for your medical staff overseeing your infertility, for your frozen embryos, for the other girl who was just sitting beside you in the lobby of the infertility treatment....the list goes on. Whatever is on your heart, whatever worry you have about trying to conceiving that precious baby--give it to God. He's got this and can only do His work when you allow him to.
4) find time to have FUN with your spouse. Go hiking, binge watch Netflix, spend time making a nice dinner, play card and board games, learn a new hobby (maybe the guitar?!)
5) make a scrap book of the past year. I make a "year book" on Shutterfly every year from January - December and have since me and my husband started dating. I love going back and looking at our memories and most recently, Grady (my 2 year old son) requests these as his "bed time book". He loves looking through pictures of mommy and daddy on trips and when he was in mommy's belly and him as "Baby Grady". I know your future baby would love a "year book" to look through as well!
6) remember God gave us one body. While going through infertility it is easy to blame our bodies and throw supplement after supplement or hard workout after hard workout in hopes that maybe that will be the answer to being able to conceive. First of all, praise God for the body he gave you and be thankful. Just as He is perfecting the perfect plan for you, he also created you, every part of you. Express your gratitude daily..several times per day by thanking God but also by being "nice" to your body ;)

Love and baby blessings,